Building Bridges: Fixed Link To The Island or Not?

Many thanks to ‘Bertie’, who sent through info regarding some new e-petitions relating to the Island.

Goldengate bridgeOne is petitioning for a bridge to be built to the Island, and in the interests of democracy, the other in objection to any form of fixed link.

I’m sure that you must have a view either way? If you haven’t, read on, make up your mind and let your fingers do the talking.

Here are the cases for and against.

Petition Creator, Peter Alexander:
The isle of wight is 5 miles from the prosperous south east of england yet has deprivation only equaled by parts of inner London. Building a bridge with possibly EU funds would bring the economic prosperity of south east england to this area of 135000 people. Enabling islanders to work on the mainland and earn a living wage whilst saving on the amount paid in benefits. Average earnings on the island are some 20-25% below nearby Portsmouth. The natural harbours of the island would be more accessible and economically viable enabling the regeneration of all areas of the island benefiting all. The current arrangements of high cost ferries (for islanders) will not achieve this. The Isle of Wight ferries do not receive subsidies from government or EU and islanders pay the full cost of maintaining this link.

Vote if you want a bridge linking the Island to the Mainland

Petition Creator,Don Prescott:
In the interests of democracy, I feel that it is necessary to allow the residents of the Isle of Wight and anywhere else for that matter, to petition the Prime Minister to decide against the construction of any type of fixed link to the Isle of Wight. This petition is in response to the one in favour of a fixed link. Over the years, a few activists have tried to keep alive their dream of a bridge or tunnel from the mainland. This is despite the vast majority of Island residents, including the I.O.W. Council, being firmly against the idea of a fixed link. The Island has functioned and will continue to function to the satisfaction of most of it’s residents. It is one of the most desirable places to live and for holidays it is in the top ten destinations in Britain. It is not some run down charity case as depicted by the pro-linkers. Their hidden agenda has nothing to do with anything other than the financial outlay required to commute to the mainland every day. The Isle of Wight is not part of the London commuter belt. It is an Island. Let us keep it that way. Please vote in your thousands for this petition against any form of fixed link to the Isle of Wight. Thank you.

Vote against a bridge being built

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