Budget Speech By Independent Group of Councillors

At last night’s full council budget meeting (see the live coverage), Cllr Ian Stephens presented the Independent councillor’s budget amendment. Titled, “Fairness, Reinvestment and Innovation” the proposal gained praise from Labour and some Conservative councillors. When it came to a vote though, it was lost when 23 Conservatives voted against with all 13 opposition votes in favour. Below is the speech in full. In their own words. We have also asked Geoff Lumley, Reg Barry and David Pugh for their speeches. Ed

Cllr Ian StephensThe Independent Budget proposals outlines a number of reinvestment strategies and new schemes to improve the lives of Islanders. These include:

Residents Parking Permit
There needs to be support of the business community and in
particular the high streets and local small businesses on the Island. It is proposed that a new three month £60 Islandwide car parking permit be introduced. The can be purchased through the telephone based parking support service already in place.

A six month permit would cost £110 and an annual permit would be £200. It is believed that this would boost car parking revenues which fell by £1m following the removal of permits by the Conservatives in 2010.

The island is reliant on tourism. We therefore propose the introduction of funding to support the operation of seven tourist information facilities at key locations around the Island to address the deficiencies caused by the cut to Tourist Information Centres ordered by the Ruling Group in last year’s budget.

Cyclepath and Footpath Improvement Scheme
In a similar vein a new Cycle Path and Footpath Improvement Scheme recognises priority of walking and cycling in the Eco Island objective.

We propose the introduction of funding to provide a fully funded RNLI sponsored lifeguard service for our main seaside resort beaches of Ventnor, Shanklin, Sandown and Ryde. This would enable these resorts to offer a safer, modern and attractive family seaside environment that attracts more tourists to the Island and boost our economy.

Lifeguards are a preventative measure that the RNLI consider important in contributing to the safety and welbeing of seaside resort users, tourists and locals alike. We should be aware that many children use the beaches unaccompanied during the summer months. They have been taught to rely on the lifeguard service in the event of an emergency on the beach and its removal has had a detrimental effect on their safety. Lifeguards prevent deaths and injuries that cost our economy millions of pounds each year. It is estimated by the Department of Transport that each coastal fatality costs the UK £1.8m which helps justify the cost of this service which we believe is vital to our seaside tourism offering.

Toilet Expansion Scheme
Our budget also promotes creative thinking and support to develop a true Eco island and includes proposals such as the purchase of a stock of portable composting toilets to be available to counter the removal of toilet facilities that has taken place.

These can be deployed when and where required to counter the effect of the closure of facilities that has taken place that has made life extremely difficult for the elderly and for those with children.

Libraries Support and Development
We propose to provide additional funding to improve opening hours and facilitate the development of this important public service.

Self Sufficiency and Self Reliance
We also propose a project to explore land use and release for Perma Culture self sufficiency projects.

Youth Services Reinvestment
Savings demanded by the Conservatives from the Youth Services Review will be reinvested by Independents, to improve and not reduce the council’s contribution to the lives of young people. This offers support to young people aged 11 to 13 whose extra curricular opportunities have been adversely affected by the schools reorganisation and for whom there is no statutory youth service provision.

Entrepreneurial Opportunity and Re-training scheme for the over 50’s
Many people over the age of 50 find it very hard to get back to work following a redundancy. We therefore propose support to help older people back into work.

Unoccupied Buildings Entrepreneurs Scheme
Buildings still owned by the Isle of Wight Council remain unoccupied following the recent cuts to services. We propose that these are offered to businesses to occupy, initially rent-free.

These new tenants would be responsible for the business rates that the Isle of Wight Council currently pay as well as maintenance and heating which are required to keep these building in a decent state of repair.

Westminster House and other respite for families with children with learning

As a result of public outcry and protests against the Ruling Group’s proposals to axe the provision of adult learning disability and residential respite care facilities in Newport, the Cabinet made a decision to retain Westminster House. The staff team have been forced to engage in a cost cutting exercise and are looking at ways to offer additional services that will generate income so that at a point in the future they can leave the Council confident in their ability to be a financially viable trading organisation that does not require an on-going subsidy from the council.

We do not accept that facilities such as Westminster House should be “trading organisations” forced to place their financial viability above the needs of their clients. We therefore reject these savings as inappropriate and propose that any money saved is reinvested directly into the provision of further support for Westminster House and other similar facilities. We also propose that savings from more effective commissioning of domiciliary care services to support families with disabled children is used to ensure that there is no reduction in the level of financial support for families with disabled children.

Youth Sports Club Premises Grants
Funding to provide five £50,000 match funded grants for sports clubs to develop or buy their own premise to benefit young people, in particular where they might otherwise be at risk of offending behaviour.

Children’s Centres
We propose to reinvest the savings that have been demanded of this area by the Ruling Group. We regard the Island’s Childrens’ Centres as a vital component in the fight against poverty and the drive to improve educational standards on the Isle of Wight.

Volunteer Support
The approach of the current council leadership in many areas has forced residents to act as volunteers to see services maintained without providing them with any support. We therefore propose ongoing support through a volunteer support fund to meet expenses such as insurance and additional licenses that are necessary for such work.

Town & Parish Council Support
We also propose the creation of a Town and Parish Council Link Team to foster close working between the Isle of Wight Council and Town and Parish Councils which are becoming increasingly important in the determination and delivery of local services.

Community Projects
On-going funding to Wight in Bloom and the Island Games would be restored under our budget proposals. We also reject the plans to reduce the support given to the maintenance of our paddling pools which we would continue to fully fund. We also propose the continuation of support for bowling greens, that would be cut by the Conservative Ruling Group budget proposals.

Dog Fouling and Littering Prevention and Enforcement
These issues are at the top of many councillors in-trays. We propose to put back savings that have been demanded by the Ruling Group and boost the number of civil enforcement officers dedicated to litter and dog fouling. We also propose that street cleaning is improved to better support our tourist based economy.

Waste Management
The ruling Conservative group have also proposed the use of £1m for the implementation of a new Waste Management Project. We propose that this funding is reduced to a more realistic level increasing the money available to support other areas.

We also propose a Tetrapak recycling system to be enabled prior to the new Waste Management programme coming on stream.

No Further redundancies
We propose no further Council staffing savings for 2012/13 and regard the proposed ruling group saving across the Council of £435,000 for 2013/14 as purely aspirational. We would expect savings to be achieved without further compulsory redundancies and through the implementation of more efficient working practices as well as reductions in departmental administrative expenditure.

Highways PFI
We regard the £1.8m per annum spent on procuring a Private Finance Initiative for the Island’s Highways as obscene. This includes £90,000 per annum spend on subsistence, food, drinks and entertaining. We therefore propose a £153,000 reduction in this department’s budget with immediate effect.

Reduced Councillor Allowances
Lastly we propose a 7% reduction in all member allowances as we feel that members should be prepared to accept a reduction in recognition of the pain being inflicted on Island residents and Isle of Wight Council employees.

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