Letter: The elephant in the room

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with readers. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch. This one from Newport resident, Steven Goodman. Ed

Readers who remember reading recently about the ‘elephant in the room’ that was the council’s chief executive threatening action against the Island’s elected MP and the Riverside Centre after asserting that there was ‘no hidden agenda’, will now be reading about Mr Beynon having to pack his trunk.

Whilst his legacy will be inadequate child safety, secondary schools in special measures following his reorganisation, high court and ombudsman decisions against the council, and an unprecedented level of public service reduction (TICs, libraries, sports facilities etc.), the council will want to reward this performance with a generous pay-off with our money.

Public accountability
We know that he would rather ‘not be drawn’ on such issues, and would prefer such matters to ‘remain confidential’, but should he not have to account publicly for his actions before any decision is taken allowing him to take the money and run?

We may be sure that parents and pupils across the Island will welcome his departure. Many also recognise that the council leader and his colleagues share responsibility for this legacy.

Dave Burbage Limited will presumably continue to enable the suppression of openness and transparency at county hall (I witnessed the recent farcical full council meeting), contrary to our legitimate expectation of public scrutiny of decisions made on behalf of Islanders without our support.

Image: Steven Alan under CC BY 2.0

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