Island Independents announce ‘A Framework for Change’

In the run-up to the Isle of Wight local election on 2nd May, OnTheWight will be publishing election manifestos for all parties with candidates standing for county council seats. This about ‘A Framework for Change’ in from Chris Welsford on behalf of the Island Independents. Ed

The Island Independents have released plans for a fairer, more accountable and democratic system of local government on the Isle of Wight.

Ian Stephens:Ian Stephens, who coordinates the group said: “With an Independent majority, policy will be agreed by the whole council through a form of select committee with a transparent and democratic process that means all councillors are involved and proper scrutiny can be applied before decisions are made, rather than in retrospect as is currently the case.”

It is intended that there will be far fewer delegated decisions and an end to controversial and strategically important decisions being made behind closed doors.

Ian went on to say: “The proposed system recognises and welcomes the input of Councillors of all parties not just Independents and we will run the Council on a consensus basis that gives everyone a say and ensures that residents are represented fairly throughout the Council, putting an end to the dictatorial and bureaucratic style of leadership that has characterised the current Council.”

A new decision making process
Under the current adversarial system, the Ruling Group, in isolation from the membership of the Council, presently decides policy. Senior officers and Cabinet Members agree on policies and then these are presented, often as a virtual fait accompli to the members at Full Council.

Scrutiny panels, such as Children & Young People, recently branded ineffective by Ofsted, are also controlled by the Ruling Group. Independents believe that this has turned the process of putting motions before the Full Council into no more than a rubber-stamping exercise and is responsible for many of the worst failings that have recently come to light. Motions submitted by individual councillors have almost no chance of succeeding and this denies residents the representation they are entitled to.

By introducing a new decision making process, Independents believe that policies and decisions will better reflect the will of the people, rather than the will of the Ruling Group.

This is what it means to put People Before Politics.

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