Andrew Turner MP

Isle of Wight local election: Congratulations and tributes from Island MP

This in from Andrew Turner’s office, in his own words. Ed

The Island’s MP, Andrew Turner has offered his congratulations to all Council and Town and Parish Councillors elected last week.

He also praised those who stood unsuccessfully in the elections.

Mr Turner said today:

“The Island didn’t follow national trends – as ever Islanders made up their own minds. I am personally sorry that the Conservatives have lost the majority on the County Council, but as the Island’s MP I am committed to working with whoever is elected for the good of the Island. There are good councillors who have lost their seats – and I thank them for everything they have done, in some cases over many years. There are also some interesting new faces at County Hall and I look forward to working with councillors of all parties – as well as those not aligned to any political party.

“I also particularly want to pay tribute to those who put themselves forward for election and were unsuccessful. You should only ever take part in an election if you are prepared to lose, but that doesn’t mean being on the losing side is easy.

In my time I have experienced both electoral success and failure so I know it can sometimes be hard to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and keep right on!. But everybody who put themselves forward has played an important part in the democratic process and should be proud of that.”

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