Southern Vectis Bus

Economy and Environment Scrutiny panel to hear future plans for bus service

Next week Members of the Economy and Environment Scrutiny Panel will be meeting at County Hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting that takes place from 5pm in the council Chamber.

The General Manager of Southern Vectis, Matt Kitchin, will be attending to give Members an overview of the company’s bus network and future service developments.

David Rogers (who is also chairman of the Quality Transport Partnership) will be attending as a representative of the IW Bus Users Group, along with a representative of the Youth Council’s Transport and Environment Group.

Scrutinising quarterly performance
Also on the agenda for the evening will be the Quarterly Performance and Finance Report.

Members will be asked to consider the relevant information contained within the quarter one performance management and finance report which is being submitted to the Cabinet on 10 September 2013.

Included in the report are details of “Delivery of savings through changed service provision (the Fire and Rescue Service and Highway PFI elements)” as well as “Regeneration and the Economy; A7 – Waste Strategy”.