Iain McKie

Abolish business rates says UKIP Parliamentary candidate

This in from Iain McKie, UKIP’s IW Parliamentary Candidate. Ed

Seeking to ‘end this madness whereby business are taxed before they have had a chance to make money. After all, if the shop is successful, corporation tax will be paid, more people will be employed, and VAT will be taken in’.

Asked why he was so concerned about these taxes McKie replied:

“Look at our High Streets on the Island, they are lined with empty shells and charity shops. This is no way to grow an economy.”

When challenged about the lost revenue to the Government McKie replied,

“The Government should be focussing on stemming the wastage of public funds like HS2, not blocking entrepreneurs’ chances.”

McKie will be collecting signatures for his petition to take to Downing Street later this year,

“I will be touring around the Island for the next few months to try and get support for this vital campaign.”

Image: © Used with permission of Jason Swain Photography