Sub committee :

Cabinet sub-committee for property disposals to be considered

Cabinet members will tonight consider plans to set up a sub committee to consider approval of council-owned property disposals.

The plan would be for the sub-committee to meet one hour prior to the Cabinet meetings each month. The meetings would be open to the press, public and all councillors.

Following a move by the new administration to scrap property disposal decisions being made by delegated decision, the backlog of items being taken to Cabinet (and therefore the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) have meant there is less time to consider budget or policy matters in Cabinet meetings.

Welcomed by Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Cllr Lumley had complained to the administration that his agenda for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was becoming full with non-contentious items for disposal and taking his committee away from scrutinising budget and policy decisions.

He welcomed the administration’s response to his complaints in the form of this proposal which the Overview and Scrutiny Committee voted unanimously in favour of.

The Cabinet meeting takes place at 6.30pm tonight in the council chamber at County Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Image: Clagnut under CC BY 2.0