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‘We all know who is ultimately responsible’ says Cowes Chair of Governors

Prior to publishing our earlier article, in which the former council officer who oversaw the Cowes Enterprise College project, Janet Newton, challenged statements made at Monday night’s public meeting, given the seriousness of the allegations OnTheWight got in touch with Chair of Governors, Rachael Fiddler.

Janet had accused of Rachael of making a “blatant falsehood” during the meeting when discussing the delivery of the school building.

Fidler: “I was not lying”
In response, Rachael Fidler told OnTheWight,

“The question raised from the floor was were the Trust and Governors involved in the letting of the contract, and I stated that we were involved in the initial process and we gave feedback on the appointment of the contractor which was Pihl.

“We did have the Trust Adviser involved in the design user group meetings however once these were concluded we were not involved in the final discussions of the contract and in fact were excluded, which is why we were extremely shocked to discover what had been left out of the final contract and why the building has not been completed to the initial design and specifications of the one school pathfinder project.

“I was not therefore lying as I was accused of last night.

“We were involved in the specification of the ICT project which was a separate amount of money separate to the building project and not under discussion last night.”

Document trail
Documents and emails that may reveal who was responsible for the many problems that have plagued Cowes Enterprise College have been mentioned by former council leader David Pugh.

However, the Isle of Wight council were unwilling to allow emails relating to the project between the officers and councillors, the Trust and Governors to be made public. Rachael told OnTheWight,

“I too have a number of emails not currently disclosed where I could produce evidence of what was not completed properly on the building and by whom.”

Unfair public attack
During the public meeting on Monday night, Rachael was challenged about her involvement by a member of the audience. Rachael went on to say,

“I attended the meeting and offered myself open to questioning in the public domain others did not. It was totally unfair for Janet’s husband to publicly attack me, he did not declare who he was.

“I agree with Janet that if the forum is fair and we can all publish the information we have on this project I would welcome it. I also offer an opportunity for Janet and I to meet to discuss what we have as I have no personal issue with her or in any way wish her ‘career to be ruined’ as her husband stated last night. We have not met or discussed any of the project since before her suspension for which she was exonerated.”

“We all know who is ultimately responsible”
Rachael finished by saying,

“Please remember I am a volunteer, gave my time freely to the College and only want what is best for the children and people of Cowes. I would willingly attend a scrutiny meeting with Councillor Lumley as I have never had the opportunity to do so and so would my fellow Trustees or governors.

“As I said last night I think we all know who is ultimately responsible and it certainly isn’t me, Janet or John Brocklehurst.”

Image: Flawka under CC BY 2.0

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