Toddler playing with colourful toys

Isle of Wight childminder slammed by Ofsted

A childminder on the Isle of Wight has been slammed by Ofsted for having a poor understanding of safeguarding and welfare requirements, and therefore putting the children she cares for at risk.

Following an inspection – and taking into account the views of parents – Ofsted say the service provided by the childminder has dropped from the previous rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Inadequate’.

Highlights of report
Some of the reasons given for the rating were:

  • The childminder has a poor understanding of the safeguarding and welfare requirements, which puts children at risk. She does not have a good understanding of child protection procedures, display her registration certificate or keep required records about complaints.
  • The childminder does not have suitable car insurance, and has failed to maintain a first-aid certificate.
  • The childminder fails to meet the conditions of her registration, which is an offence and does not make sure that the outdoor area is safe for use. These weaknesses compromise children’s safety.
  • The childminder does not have a secure knowledge of assessing children’s learning needs, including the required progress report for two-year-old children, and of how to plan and implement an educational programme, which enables children to make progress in all areas of their development.
  • The childminder does not interact with children effectively to fully promote their learning and development and, in particular, their communication and language skills, and personal, social and emotional development.

Strengths also highlighted
The inspector does say the childminder promotes some aspects of children’s health successfully and provides many good quality resources.

The children also get to spend lots of time playing outdoors visiting the beach and parks, which means they develop physical skills and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

The report goes into more detail of where the inspector felt the childminder’s provision was below the expected standard and outlines where improvements need to be made.

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