CEC Pond:

Youth MP’s concern for Cowes Enterprise reveals good news for parents

It was reported in the media last week as Cowes Enterprise College (CEC) had now been taken over by Ormiston Academies Trust, “it could be two years before its ‘first’ inspection”.

Will Matthews, the Member of the Youth Parliament for the Isle of Wight, was concerned to hear that despite the secondary school being in Special Measures since January 2013, the slate would effectively be wiped clean, with “two years before its ‘first’ inspection”.

He wrote to Ofsted this week saying,

I am concerned at the fact that now CEC is an Ormiston Academy, it is a new school, and therefore may not be subjected to an Ofsted inspection for up to two years. The standards of teaching have not changed, therefore young people are not getting the best possible standard of education!

I ask Ofsted to continue to treat CEC as previously, by subjecting it to the previous standard of inspections!

A positive response
Ofsted were quick to reply explaining,

Sponsor-led academies that changed status and whose predecessor schools were in a category of concern before they closed will receive a monitoring visit within two full terms of opening.

This news will put a lot of parents’ minds at rest, now knowing that Ofsted are keeping a close eye on the new Academy.

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