Winchester Earthquake - here's the tremor recorded by British Geological Survey at 18:30 - estimated locally at 2.8

Winchester earthquake registered tonight: Here’s what we know so far

At 6:30 this evening, the Winchester area registered an earthquake – officially.

The British Geological Survey – the body who keeps an eye on such things – have officially registered it as an earthquake.

2.9 magnitude
It’s magnitude was 2.9, the highest registered in the UK in the last 50 days.

Fear not though, in terms of global earthquakes, it’s not major – it hasn’t even made it onto the list of Significant British Earthquakes, as yet.

The graphic at the top of the page shows the recording of the quake (sourced from the BGS by Peter Henley)

Residents react
Below is a list of how some of the people in the area reported it, with some saying “The whole house shook!”, that “Dogs went mad”, and others that “door swing on its hinges”.

Here’s how residents in the area reported it