Appley WI Peg Dolls

Appley Women’s Institute: A blooming good time had by all

Thanks to Judith for this report from Appley Women’s Institute. Ed

February’s meeting was enlivened by the members taking part in a seated exercise class led by Amanda and Dee.

It began with a warm up, which was energetic but at your own level. There was much laughing as arms and legs were crossed and bounced, not necessarily in the order anticipated by the leaders!

Everyone, including visitors from Rookley WI, enjoyed the session and were given a token for a free class with Amanda and Dee.

Connecting with the Isle of Man
The rendition of ‘Jerusalem’ was particularly tuneful; the minutes were read and accepted. President Pam Fenna is to establish a link with the Peele Bells WI on the Isle of Man.

Peg dolls and flowers
The competition was ‘Peg Dolls’ and many were very finely crafted. It was won by Margaret Rogers whose doll carried a placard celebrating the WI Centenary.

Sally Hope provided the ‘Best ‘bloom’.

Appley WI - Blooms