Piles of coins:

Sainsbury’s looking for new local charities to support

This in from Tanya on behalf of Sainsbury’s. Ed

Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year scheme is back for the seventh year and the Newport and Cowes and Ryde, Sandown and Freshwater convenience stores are looking for new charities to support from the Isle of Wight area.

For the first time this year, customers will be given a choice of charities to vote for.

12 months support
The winning charity will then receive a year of support from the store, which includes fundraising and awareness. Customers can vote between 15th – 28th June in nearby stores and online.

The Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year scheme has raised over £7million over the last six years and has helped thousands of charities across the UK.

Paul Dyer Store Manager of Sainsbury’s Newport Isle of Wight, said:

“We know there are so many great charities in the local area and we’re really excited about providing a boost to one of these over the next year.”

Register at store
Please register your interest at the customer service desk at your local branch, Sainsbury’s Cowes and Newport Isle of Wight and convenience stores Freshwater, Ryde and Sandown to be considered.

The deadline closes on 11th May.

Image: FSE Cart under CC BY 2.0