
Another Nursery Pre-School rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted

Congratulations to Little Love Lane Nursery Pre-School in Cowes for their latest Ofsted report.

Following an inspection in May this year, the Ofsted inspectors found the school to be ‘Good’ in all areas.

Some of the highlights from the report include:

  • Partnerships with parents are effective. They are fully involved in the care and learning of the children, which ensures that all children receive good support and continuity in their learning and development.
  • The key-person system is embedded well. Practitioners take great care to build strong attachments with all children, which ensure that they feel confident, included and secure in the setting.
  • The dedicated manager and practitioners are committed to providing high-quality care and learning for children. The monitoring of all aspects of the setting enables them to clearly target areas for development and strengthen practice.
  • Robust partnerships with other professionals are effective in providing for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Transitions in and out of the pre-school and consistency of care and learning are excellent. Children are confident and selfassured, which promotes their future learning.
  • Safeguarding of children is secure throughout the pre-school. All practitioners have a high level of knowledge and understanding of child protection issues. They minimise risks effectively and help children to learn to keep themselves safe.
  • Children respond well to staff, who have high expectations for good behaviour and consistently apply appropriate rules and boundaries.

It is not yet outstanding because:

  • Practitioners miss some opportunities to help children to develop their understanding of people’s similarities and differences, for example, through reflecting different languages within the environment.

The Report
For full details see the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: Nojhan under CC BY 2.0