County Hall:

Surprise resignation from IW Council Executive

This in from Cllr Luisa Hillard, in her own words. Ed

After much soul searching it is with great regret that I have reluctantly decided to step back from my position as an Executive Member of the Isle of Wight Council.

I have dedicated the last two and three quarter years to improving Sustainability on the Isle of Wight and have seen through many new projects and contracts. This has been a wonderful opportunity and something that has been both rewarding and enjoyable.

Due to my commitments within the Council I chose not to take maternity leave and have spent six months bringing my baby in to work with me. I am grateful to everyone who has supported me in this. However the often long, irregular hours make it difficult to coordinate work and child care.

I have therefore decided to take a little belated maternity leave.

I have spoken to the Leader of the Council and he has asked me to reconsider but I do not feel that I can dedicate so many hours to the Executive at this time. However, I do hope that in a few months I shall be able to take on more responsibility once again.

In the meantime I shall continue to support the Independent administration and the council in the formation of a balanced budget and in the delivery of on-going sustainability projects.

I shall also continue with my important work as county councillor for East Cowes and look forward to having more time to focus on local projects there.

I would take this opportunity to thank council staff for their hard work in delivering the projects within my portfolio, despite challenging financial times. Whilst we may not be working closely together for a while I shall still be an active part of the council.

Image: Simon Haytack under CC BY 2.0

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