Thumbs up - young boy:

Outstanding result for Isle of Wight pre-school

Congratulations to Niton Pre-School who have just received an ‘Outstanding’ rating from Ofsted.

The pre-school was found to be outstanding because:

  • Children form extremely positive relationships with staff and each other. Staff know children exceptionally well and promote their excellent levels of confidence and independence. Children receive exceptional praise and encouragement, which promote their self-esteem extensively.
  • The manager and staff have highly effective relationships with parents and other professionals. For example, staff support parents extensively and help them to access a range of local services and training opportunities. Information is shared with other professionals exceptionally well to promote an extremely consistent approach to meeting children’s needs.
  • Staff use their expert knowledge of how children learn to provide exciting and engaging learning experiences. Children are highly motivated to learn and they all develop excellent skills for their future learning. They make rapid and sustained progress from their individual starting points.
  • The manager is extremely effective at monitoring children’s learning and development. Any gaps in children’s learning are identified and addressed extremely quickly with highly tailored support.
  • Children behave exceptionally well. They take turns easily, share resources willingly and quickly resolve any conflicts that arise between them. Children are extremely confident to try things for themselves and explore the inviting environment.

The report
Full details can be found in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: donhomer under CC BY 2.0