Happy child

‘Good’ Ofsted rating for Isle of Wight pre-school

Congratulations are in order for all at Little Acres Childcare Centre in Newport.

The pre-school has recently received the outcome of an Ofsted inspection, which took place last month (May).

The inspector found the school to be ‘Good’ in all areas of provision.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Children have good relationships with staff. They are happy and confident to explore the wide range of activities and experiences on offer.
  • Staff are good role models and support children’s all-round development well. They are deployed effectively to supervise children and join in their play to support learning.
  • Partnerships with parents are good. Staff work closely with them and involve parents in their children’s learning. For example, they share information about children’s achievements and encourage parents to support their children’s learning at home.
  • The manager monitors children’s achievements and tracks their progress to quickly identify and close any gaps in their learning. Staff make good use of additional funding. For example, they complete training and obtain resources to support children’s communication and language skills.
  • Staff build good partnerships with other professionals. They gain information to support children’s individual needs effectively. For example, staff work closely with speech and language therapists.

Further improvements
To become an outstanding school, Little Acres would need to make some other improvements.

  • Staff do not always plan group activities that consistently involve all children, to extend and support their learning further.
  • On occasion, staff do not give children enough time to respond to questions to help them develop their thinking skills and ideas.

The report
Full details of the inspection and findings can be found in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: enduringessence under CC BY 2.0