european union hq

Letter: Why I want to leave the EU – a ‘deceitful organisation’

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below. This from Dave Maguire. Ed

As a Leave voter my reasons for that decision date back to our entry into the EEC back in 1972. We didn’t have the ease of the Internet to look up facts about the foundations of the European Project, we had to spend much time in reference libraries to find our information.

Today, unless you give everybody links, they generally can’t be bothered to research it for themselves.

This has been proven by anti-Brexit demo supporters who, when interviewed, come out with things such as, they like the EU because it gave them the NHS. Well that shows their level of knowledge regarding the EU! Heath had promised we would not enter without the full-hearted consent of the British people, but proceeded to do just that.

Entry was constitutionally illegal
For all the people who keep on about the referendum being not legally binding, our entry was constitutionally illegal. Ross McWhirter invoked the Bill of Rights 1689 to show that the government did not have authority to give away the rights and liberties of the people. Tragically, he was assassinated before the matter was decided.

The European project was being pushed forward by Jean Monnet, a Frenchman who had spent considerable time in America working with US politicians. It will continue to move forward to a federated state. Heath knew this, Heseltine admitted he knew it, but they didn’t tell the people. Anti-marketeers knew it, but the public believed their politicians.

Manipulating the project
It is no surprise that declassified US government documents show that the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later the CIA were financing and manipulating the project.

Another founder of the European project was Joseph Retinger, who also set up the Bilderberg Group in 1954, a group created for the interests of the political elite, banks and global multinationals.

Bilderberg managed to hide in the shadows until the coming of the Internet, anti EEC supporters knew of them in the 1970s, but got scoffed at by the equivalent of the anti-Brexit supporters now. Even now they still ban any press reporting at meetings and reporters have been arrested for getting too close. You can now find reports of their meetings even in the Guardian, (a rarity in the 1970s) but definitely no information on internal discussions or who spoke.

Attending Bilderberg meetings
Typical attendees over the years have included Edward Heath, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair and Manuel Barroso.

Other important attendees have been George Osborne and his IMF friend, Christine Lagarde, he campaigned for her second IMF term.

Bankers supporting Remain
Remain supporters were prepared to accept the same banks responsible for the 2008 crash as financial supporters of the remain campaign. Goldman Sachs (called the Vampire Squid by Rolling Stone magazine) brought out their Alumni in support, Mark Carney Governor of The Bank of England, Malcolm Turnbull Prime Minister of Australia, Anders Rasmussem ex-Prime Minister of Denmark, and the man whose campaign they financed, Obama.

Their Alumni have featured well in the so-called democratic EU, for example, Mario Draghi President of the European Central Bank. Regime change, EU/Goldman Sachs style, placed the un-elected Mario Monti as the new Prime Minister of Italy. Same thing in Greece, Lucas Papademos, though not a direct Goldman Sachs man, had worked with them to hide Greek debt.

Leaving a ‘deceitful organisation’
Well that’s just some of my reasons for wanting us out of, what is in my view, a deceitful organisation.

The result confirms the competence and common sense of at least 17.5 million people in this country. Most of the remainers who I have come in contact with haven’t got a clue what the EU is all about or what its final goals are.

The only remainers who really know the truth are the multinational corporations and banks that are moving it forward on their own agenda in their own interests. The people who voted to support those institutions will not be considered when they reach their final goal.

Image: Leon Yaakov under CC BY 2.0