
Your vote needed to help unlock funding for disabled sports sessions

Krissy shares this latest news from West Wight Sports Centre. Ed

West Wight Sports and Community Centre is calling for the support of the local community to help win funding as part of the Aviva Community Fund 2016.

Support is vital
The charity is relying on votes to increase their chances of winning funding of up to
£5,000 which will enable them to run weekly sports sessions for young people with disabilities.

Only projects with the most votes will become finalists, so additional support is vital.

Sporting opportunities for disabled children
There are currently very limited sports activities available for disabled children on the Isle of Wight, and in many cases families have to travel to the mainland to take part in them.

The aim of the Centre is to be able to develop opportunities for participation in specific sports such as wheelchair basketball or rugby, frame football, blind football, seated volleyball, etc.

Centre Manager Clare Griffin says,

“We know that there are children who want to be able to take part in competitive sport and have the same opportunities as able-bodied children.

“This funding would enable us to employ a qualified coach. We would then be guided by the young people and their families as to the types of sports they would like us to offer.”

“With the success and high profile in main stream media of the Paralympics, interest in these sports is growing. Parents and young people have told us that they would like opportunities to take part in competitive sports, with the ability for progression, not just family play sessions.”

Cast your vote
To get behind the West Wight Sports and Community Centre and help make a difference in your local community, visit Aviva Community Fund and submit your vote before 18 November 2016.

You need to register, but then get up to ten votes.