Eco-Island Conference: Dame Ellen MacArthur

Ellen is one of those speakers who always seems to manage to infect the audience with her inspiring attitude to life.

Even though she spoke for just 10 minutes this morning at the Eco Island conference, we certainly came away inspired by her insight.

Ellen explained that although she has lived on the Wight for the last 10 years, she grew up in Derbyshire living a self-sufficient lifestyle; veggie patch, recycling, making the most of energy available. To her this was normal and the way that she thought everyone lived.

During her trips around the globe on the sea, she was able to view the way we live from an alternative perspective.

It helps you live in a different way – as you are in effect – living on your own island.

Being reliant purely on what you have on the vessel, helps you learn how to never waste anything, you are always connected to the energy that you use and supplies available.

It’s a great analogy for living on our Island too.

With a stretch of water between us and the mainland, everything that comes on or goes off the Island can be measured.

In today’s society where we have become disconnected with the origins of the produce, materials and energy that we use, now is the opportunity for the Isle of Wight to take responsibility for making the changes that will lead to us becoming more sustainable and meeting the criteria of the Sustainable Communities Act.

With the right knowledge and motivation, we have the ability to go beyond that criteria and create a true Eco Island.

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