Ventbag: Plastic Carrier Bag Free Ventnor/Isle of Wight

Plastic Bag Free Ventnor/Isle of WightInteresting to see that our county namesake in the US, are striving to achieve a similar aim to us down in Sunny Ventnor.

You might have seen the thread on the forum about Ventnor becoming the first plastic carrier bag free town on the Island, well it looks like Isle of Wight County are doing the same.

The article states that …

Each year, the resolution states, over 14 million trees and 12 million barrels of oil are consumed for the production of plastic shopping bags.

Plastic bag entanglement is the direct cause of death of over 100,000 marine animals……

Now, therefore, be it and it is hereby resolved that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia requests the General Assembly adopt legislation that would grant localities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia the enabling authority to ban or discourage the use of plastic bags.

The first meeting in Ventnor to discuss the concept of a plastic carrier bag free Ventnor takes place this Sunday afternoon at Community Projects, 1 Albert Street, Ventnor between 2-6pm.

There are several subjects being discussed including “Make a bag – make a change” and “Enhancing Flowersbrook”.