White Air: Sam’s Report: Part Two

A much better day yesterday I felt; the sun was out, far more people were around, and there was an all round, better atmosphere to the venue.

White Air: Sam's Report: Part TwoProbably a disappointing day for the windsurfers though, as there seemed to be very little wind, but for those of us on dry land, we couldn’t have asked for better.

Thankfully our group seems to be getting back into the swing of doing performances, yesterday afternoons display being the best yet in my opinion, and by the sound of it, the crowd seemed to think so to!

In fact, as the morning demonstration went well, we all loosened up and had a good laugh adding in little bits of comedy here and there, such as the ever popular Oliver Twist heel click.

The morning demo wasn’t without its thrills either though, with one of my tumble runs finishing millimetres away from of a member of the public, who walked straight through our performance area seemingly unaware!

Read Part One

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