Constituencies and AV Discussed at LibDem Forum

This in from the Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats, in their own words. Ed

Sara Sheath and Tim WakeleyLiberal Democrats turned up at the Riverside Centre to hear from Bob Blezzard on how we may divide the Island into two Parliamentary constituencies and from the new Chairman of the Island Liberal Democrats, Sara Sheath, on the proposed ‘Alternative Vote’ referendum due to happen on 5th May.

Bob Blezzard demonstrated different ways in which two new Parliamentary constituencies could be created on the Island.

A decision on which is the preferred model will be made at the next meeting of the Liberal Democrat Executive on 6th May.

The preferred model will be made public after the meeting of the Executive.

AV support canvassed in Ryde
After the meeting Members went to Ryde to canvas support for the Alternative Vote finding a lot of support from members of the public who have become disillusioned by the Tory and Labour stranglehold on Westminster politics.

Jill Wareham commented at the predictability of the Tory and Labour support for the current system which has seen both parties, in recent times, in government with less than 50% of the electorate supporting them.

Image: Sara Sheath and Tim Wakeley