Independent Labour Party councillor, Geoff Brodie, is proposing to re-direct £2.2m of Conservative 'savings' (planned for Reserves) to reduce the Council Tax increase to 4.49%.
Last week Cllr Ian Ward confirmed to the IWC Cabinet that plans to charge for overnight on-street parking was 'a typo'. Today, nearly a full week later, the council are going back on that, saying the now DO plan to charge!
Firefighters say that as a whole-time crew, workforce morale is at an all time low. They marked themselves as 'unavailable' on Saturday in protest at the seven crew whose contracts are being terminated at the end of the year.
More budget cuts look likely to be on the way if Leader of the council, Dave Stewart's statement issued ahead of tonight's (Wednesday) Full Council meeting, is anything to go by. Read it here.
It's World Autism Awareness Day and many people on the Isle of Wight are hoping this year sees a turnaround in the support given to children on the spectrum.
The three proposed budgets were debated for almost two hours at County Hall last night (see our live coverage) but the Conservative-UKIP-IMG proposal narrowly received the most votes.