Ventnor town council to pursue negotiations over Coastal Centre

Coastal Centre:

Thanks to Evelyn for this report from last night’s Ventnor Town Council (VTC) meeting. Ed

20th May was the first meeting of the new Town Council and the Mayor, Councillor Steve Stubbings, welcomed everyone. He then ‘declared his interest’ as a County Councillor, as is required of him.

The Town Clerk read the Finance Report, which is available on line accompanied by a Year-to-Date expenditure report.

Change to meeting dates
A unanimous decision was made to return to holding future Town Council meetings on the 2nd Monday in the month.

Esplanade loading bay
The Council agreed to apply to the Isle of Wight Council for a change to waiting times at the Esplanade loading bay. It had been brought to their notice that this bay was regularly misused.

Traders and others were using it to park for the full 25 mins, moving on when Wardens arrived, and then returning to make repeated use of the space for a further period. Trucks arriving to make deliveries were finding the space continually blocked. Comments by users had been made that it was ‘cheaper to get a ticket than to pay for parking.’

The Councillors agreed that a reduction in the waiting time to five minutes, with Wardens able to use their discretion, would put a stop to this abuse of the regulations.

Co-opting councillors
The co-option process to fill the two vacancies on the Council will go ahead during June.

An interview panel was arranged and details are on the Website and the Town Council noticeboard in the Central car park.

Coastal Centre
Following the changes in leadership of the County Council,

Ventnor Town Council will now pursue negotiations about the future of the Coastal Centre (report below).

Councillor Rees gave a brief update on the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC) and the Mayor explained that there had been no further news regarding the Winter Gardens.

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