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Isle of Wight A level results: Live coverage (updated)

Today Isle of Wight teenagers (and some adults) will be finding out today (Thursday) how well they fared with their 2016 A-level results.

Updates will be coming in throughout the day from all the schools who offer A level options, including Christ the King College, Cowes Enterprise College, Island Innovation Trust VI form Campus, Ryde Academy, Ryde School, Platform One College of Music and Sandown Bay Academy.

Live Updates
The updates we carried out in out then-live coverage are below:

  Regular updates

Results will be updated here throughout the day.

  Platform One Music College announces

Platform One wins the prize this year for the ‘First out of the blocks with their results’ award.
Initial highlights:

  • Thirty-one students achieved the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music, which is equivalent to taking three full A Levels.
  • Many students exceeded challenging targets, with nine students gaining the equivalent of three straight A grades

  Platform One highlights some students

Anthony Sharp achieved a D*D*D* result.  This is the same as three A star, full A level grades.  Anthony also achieved Grade 8 guitar and Grade 8 drums, giving him 565 UCAS points.  The highest university offer is normally based on 360 UCAS points.

Also achieving Distinction star grades was Julian Voight, Curtis Connor, Charlotte Beadle, Toby Jenkins, Max Watson and Emma Wilkinson.

  Platform One director: “Proud”

Dave Pontin said,

“We are absolutely delighted with results again this year.  We are proud of the achievements of each and every student.   It is fantastic that all of out students will progress to their first choice universities with some students progressing straight into employment”.

  Video advice from UCAS

If you’re hoping to go on to University and haven’t seen it yet, here some helpful advice from UCAS

  Help advice for students heading to University

UCAs have a great range of helpful videos for those planning to go onto University.

Check their YouTube Channel

  Ryde School announces their results

68% of entries were graded as B or above with over a third at ‘A*’ or ‘A’ and there was a 97% pass rate overall.

Well done to Deputy Head Boy and Shanklin resident, Hamish Trowell, who received four A* grades in Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and Physics and will now go on to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge.

Head Boy Jonty Parkes of Ryde secured three A*s so securing his place to read Medicine at Plymouth. Jonty is one of three students to have secured a place to read Medicine; Layla Beckett of Ryde and Liv Parnian from Wootton Bridge leave to study Medicine at Brighton & Sussex and King’s, London respectively.

Kyle Blair of Ryde gained A*A*A and will study Engineering and Timothy Ng of Newport leaves to study Finance at LSE with A*A*A.

  Ryde School IB Diploma results

Around a third of the Upper Sixth leavers had already got their results in early July as they had taken the rather than A levels.

Fifteen students scored an average of 35 points, the equivalent according to UCAS of A*AAA at A level.

The world average last year was 29.88 with a maximum of 45 points available.

Five got the equivalent of four A*s at A level or higher; Charlotte Day of Ryde achieved 42 points and will study Modern Languages at University College, London. Head Girl Heidi Hamilton from Seaview and Alex Enderle both achieved 39 points and Sasha Brytova and Iryna Fedenko both achieved 38 points.

Looking at A level and IB results together, the average UCAS points per student is 378 with AS grades and 353 without – the equivalent of three ‘A’ grades at A level per pupil.

  Ryde School Head, Mark Waldron comments …

The Ryde Headmaster paid tribute to the continuing hard work and determination of both staff and pupils;

“We are of course delighted to see so many of our pupils achieving excellent results after many months of hard work with most students making significant improvements on their AS grades from last year.

“Whilst results do matter of course, and our UCAS average point score of 378 is incredibly encouraging, today is also an important moment to look forward with excitement at the many and varied university courses our students are leaving to join.

“These results show that Island pupils are more than capable of achieving at both A level and the IB at the same level and indeed ahead of pupils across Britain and their university destinations and career ambitions show similar ambition and dedication.”

  Dos and don’ts for parents

There will be many students celebrating today, but also some who didn’t get the expected grades. This time more than ever, is when they need the support of parents and relatives.

The Daily Telegraph has published a helpful Dos and Don’ts for parents guide

Even if your child did not receive the grades they were hoping for, there are plenty of other options open to them – remind them it’s not the end of the world.

  Cowes Enterprise College announces

Overall headlines for the academy:

  • Number of candidates tripled from 2015 with a wider range of prior attainment reflecting an inclusive and supportive approach.
  • 97% of A-level entries achieved a pass grade.
  • 100% of vocational entries achieved a pass grade.
  • A-level value-added around the national average.
  • Particularly strong performance in Physics and Maths – national shortage subjects.
  • Vocational value-added further improved on last year’s strong performance to be well above the national average

  Cowes Enterprise high achievers: Ben Currie

Ben achieved an outstanding triple A* result in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics, supported by an A grade in AS-level Chemistry.

Ben, who is also an excellent guitar player, has worked tremendously hard across his two years in the sixth form and made fantastic progress from his GCSEs to achieve this stunning result.

Ben Currie: Cowes Enterprise: A-levels 2016

In shortage subjects such and Maths and Physics, Ben has a pick of university courses, and has decided to read Physics at Imperial College, London.

  Cowes Enterprise high achievers: Henry Pritchett

Henry Pritchett came very close to matching Ben’s performance, with A* grades in Mathematics and Physics and A grades in Further Mathematics and AS Chemistry.

Henry has played an important all-round part as a student of Cowes Enterprise College and is a talented sportsman as well an academic.

Henry is planning to go to Warwick University to read Mathematics.

Henry Pritchett: Cowes Enterprise: A-levels 2016
  Further Cowes Enterprise high achievers

There were strong performances from head girl Antonia Saunders (with B,B,C in Geography, Performing Arts, English Language) and Emma Westmore (with B,B,C in Art, English Literature, Psychology).

Three outstanding student leaders, Callum McFarlane, Charlie Hewitt and head boy Matt Baker also achieved very strong results in their vocational A-level Sports Studies.

Callum gained triple Distinction*, while Charlie and Matt were awarded double Distinction* and Distinction each.

Matt Baker, Antonia Saunders and Emma Westmore: Cowes Enterprise: A-levels 2016

Image: Matt Baker, Antonia Saunders and Emma Westmore

  Cowes Enterprise Principal comments:

Students at Cowes Enterprise: A-levels 2016

Principal John Peckham said:

“We are immensely proud of all our students for the wonderful results they have achieved – it is testament to their hard work and talent, and to the fantastic support they have received from their families and our staff.

“As well as the results themselves, across the sixth form and among individual students, I am delighted that we have seen a threefold increase in the number of students completing A levels this year. It is a mark of the high expectations we have for our young people, and our belief in them.”

  Ryde Academy announce results

  • 50% of students achieved A*/A
  • 100% of students achieved at least two A Levels or equivalent.
  • 88% of students achieved at least three A Levels or equivalent
  • 56% received an A* to B in A Levels or equivalent.

Amber Gardiner: Ryde Academy: A-levels 2016

Image: Amber Gardiner

  Ryde Academy principal: “Proud of students”

Principal Joy Ballard said,

We are delighted and really proud of our students who received their results today.

All of our students who applied to university have achieved a place which is a fantastic result and a credit to their efforts and the work of our staff.

We would like to wish all our students all the best for the future.

Jordan Chapman and Courtney Medd: Ryde Academy: A-levels 2016
Image: Jordan Chapman and Courtney Medd

  Video updates from Isle of Wight College: Dominic Aspden


  Video updates from Isle of Wight College: Robyn Huxtable


  Island Innovation VI Form Campus

Island Innovation VI Form Campus Executive Headteacher, Peter Shaw, commented,

The average individual grade achieved by students at the VI Form Campus is now in line with the national average and the overall pass rate is in excess of national  expectations.”

  VI Form Campus: Individual successes

The College have shared these individual successes:

  • CAWTHERAY Elliott: Maths- A*, Maths Further- A*, Physics- A
  • DEBRECENI Sara: English- A, Philosophy A, History – A
  • GRIFFITHS Tom: Chemistry- A, Maths- A*, Mathis Further- A*, Physics- A
  • KRAL Emily: Maths- A*, Maths Further- A*, Physics- A
  • LLOYD Jared: Chemistry- A, Maths- A*, Physics- A*
  • MCLEAN Jack: Chemistry- A, French- A, Maths- A, Physics- B
  • MCLEAN Tom: Geography- A, Mathis A*, Maths Further- A, Physics- A*
  • POWE Harriet: Biology- A*, Chemistry- A*, Maths- A
  • SALTER Hermione: Chemistry- A, Maths- A*, Physics- A
  • EARLEY Louisa: Fine Art- A, Fashion BTEC- D*D* (Distinction star)
  • AMBROSINI Connor: Sport BTEC- D*DD
  • HART Albert: Sport BTEC- DDD
  • MILLGATE Hannah: Biology B, Geology- A, Geography- A
  • LACEY Moses: Chemistry – B, Maths- A*, Maths Further- A
  • HODGES Lauren: Classic Civilisations- A*, Government and Politics- A, Law- B

  VI Form Campus: Some students heading to Russell Group Unis

Dave Mumford, Head of the VI Form Campus, said he is delighted with some of the individual results that have been achieved.

“We have students going on from the Island to follow a huge range of university courses including Medicine, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Law, Fashion, accessing the top Russell Group Universitiesacross the country.”

  Priory School announce results

  • 100% pass rate in all A2 & A/S subjects
  • 60% of all A2 subjects A/B grades
  • Including 100% A/B grades in English and Art at A2

This relates to two A2 pupils, and five A/S pupils.

  Priory School – individual successes

Jessica Wilson has already received acceptance for her first choice to read English & Art at Reading.

  Council release Isle of Wight-wide stats

A-level results up by 3% on 2015 benchmark figure for 2 A*-E passes & 4% up for 3 A*-E passes. Congrats to all

  Council: A-level passes up on 2015

Almost 500 Isle of Wight Post-16 A-level students received their final results today, with more passing this summer’s exams than in 2015.

Provisional results reported by the Island’s school sixth forms and the Isle of Wight College indicate that students have been successful, with 90 per cent achieving the national benchmark of two A* to E passes at A-Level, or equivalent.

This is a three percentage point improvement on the result in 2015.

  Council: AAB figures and comparison

Five per cent of A-level students on the Island achieved high pass grades of AAB or better, a drop of one per cent from last year and below the 2015 national average of 12 per cent.

  Council: A levels only make up about 40% of all Post 16 programmes on the Island

Councillor Jonathan Bacon, leader of the Isle of Wight Council and executive member for children’s services, said:

“I would wish to congratulate all students who received their results today, and to acknowledge their hard work and the support of their teachers, parents and other professional.

“Although A levels only make up about 40% of all Post 16 programmes on the Island, they are an important measure of educational performance and I welcome the improvement that has been achieved this year.

“All schools have worked hard to help more students pass their exams and to take the next step in their future careers. We must continue to strive to secure further improvements next year, and we are working hard with all schools and education providers to build on this years success.”

  Sandown Bay Academy announce individual successes

  • James Stirling achieved 3 A* grades in Maths, Physics and Chemistry plus an A Grade in Further Maths. He is off to Bath University to study Physics.
  • Josh Perfect is off to Newcastle University to study Dentistry after achieving 3 A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Sociology. He also achieved an A* in Extended Project Qualification.
  • Kerry Taylor is off to RADA (Royal Academy of Dance) to study Ballet Education. She achieved a triple distinction * in Performing Arts (Dance) and a C in Sociology.
  • Rhys Evans is off to Swansea University to study Aerospace Engineering. He achieved an A grade in Physics, a B in Maths, a C in Chemistry and an A* in Extended Project Qualification.
  • Curtis Kenneavy achieved an A* in Psychology, an A in Spanish and an A in Biology. He will go to UCL to study Languages.
  • Emily O’Regan is off to Southampton University to study English Literature. She achieved an A* grade in Sociology, an A in English Languages and a B in English Literature.
  • Chandler Builth and Ben Urquhart both achieved triple distinction * in BTEC Sports Studies. Chandler is off to Chichester University to study Sports Science and Coaching. Ben is off to Cardiff Metropolitan University to study Sports Performance Analysis.

  Sandown Bay Academy: Ambitious students

Claire Charlemagne, Principal, said,

“Our students are incredibly ambitious and we are ambitious for them. The number of students achieving the top grades has increased significantly and we are also delighted to see an increase in the average grade achieved across all courses, both academic and vocational.

“These exceptional results have been achieved in some of the most demanding subjects. Our students have been accepted onto a huge range of courses at some of the best universities in the UK. It is testament to the dedication of students, staff and parents and we are incredibly proud of them.”

  Isle of Wight College: Overview of results

  • The overall Pass Rate A* – E was 98.5%
  • 20.3% achieved A* – A grades
  • 37.6% achieved A* – B grades
  • Value Added was Excellent; Value Added is the difference between actual results and predicted results based on GCSE grades. 76% did better than their predicted grades
  • The vast majority of students will be progressing to their first choice University/course

  Isle of Wight College: Highlighted students

  • Emily Hughes (18) from Cowes studied Psychology, Geography, Sociology and EPQ gaining A*A*A A grades and is excited about taking up her place at Durham University to study Psychology.
  • Ruth Gibson (18) from Cowes achieved Psychology A*, Sociology A*, Graphic Design A, EPQ A and is very much looking forward to studying Psychology at University of Bath
  • Georgia Millington (18) from Sandown gained Philosophy A, Sociology A, English Literature A and EPQ A to secure her place at University of Kent to study Law
  • Robyn Huxtable (18) from Godshill achieved English Language A, Sociology A and Business A. She has a full time job to go to but is now considering an Apprenticeship or possibly university next year.
  • Rhys Edmonds (19) from East Cowes gained Sociology A*, History A, Politics B and secured his place at London School of Economics to study Social Policy
  • Megan Williams (18) gained Sociology A, Media A and English Literature B and is going to University of Portsmouth to study a degree in Digital Marketing.
  • Dominic Aspden (18) Passed Maths B, Physics C and History C securing his first choice of Hertfordshire University to study Aerospace Engineering.

  Isle of Wight College: “More than met the challenges presented”

Principal, Debbie Lavin, commented,

“I am very proud of all of them. They more than met the challenges presented to them and I was thrilled to see their reactions when they saw the results.

“The outstanding performance of so many of the students, especially in beating their predicted grades, was particularly pleasing.

“I am delighted for the students, their parents and the dedication of the F6RM staff.  I am so happy that so many will now progress forward with such optimism and pride.”

  Minister of State for school standards

Nick Gibb, Minister of State for school standards, offered congratulations from the Department for Education, earlier. He said:

“Congratulations to everyone collecting their results today, which are the culmination of years of hard work by students and teachers. I wish everyone getting their results success as they embark on the next stage of their lives.

“We want to make our country a place where there is no limit on anyone’s ambition or what they can achieve. It is hugely encouraging that this year sees a record 424,000 applicants already securing a place at our world-class universities, with increasing numbers from disadvantaged backgrounds gaining a place as well.”

  Metro: Bad grades? Here are 9 inspirational people who did badly in their A-levels

As we said before, if you didn’t get the grades you wanted today, it’s not the end of the world. Metro seem to be of the same mind, as they list 9 inspirational people who did badly in their A-levels

Jon Snow 'dances'

  Live coverage coming to an end: Nothing from Christ the King

We’re going to close this Liveblog now. Thanks for sticking with us.

We’ve been holding on for the Christ the King A-level results, but nothing has come through and no reason offered as to why. All of the other Isle of Wight colleges have reported, as you’ll find below.

If you, your friends, or your relatives got what they wanted today – Great. If not, worry not, there’ll be other opportunities coming your way.

  Delayed response from Christ the King College

Four days after all other colleges provided info, Christ the King College have sent over their release.

The College reports that both the average point score and average grades achieved by the students have seen a significant increase from last year.

Mrs Goodhead, said,

“A Level Results Day is about securing the next steps for our young people’s futures and it is always a privilege to see them with the qualifications that enable them to move on to the institution of their choice with confidence and excitement. I am extremely proud of all of our students and the staff who have supported them so well in reaching this position. We set ambitious and challenging targets for our students, work with them to develop their confidence and provide an ethos in which they can study and thrive.”

  CtK highlighted successes

  • Freya Baxman (A*AB – Medicine at Southampton)
  • Jasmin Brooks (A*AA – Veterinary Science)
  • Victoria Cave (ABB – Archaeology and Anthropology at Exeter)
  • Beth Crockford (BBB – Midwifery at Surrey)
  • Charlie Goodstien-Oliver (AAA – Chemistry at Bristol)
  • Aaron Higginson (A*BB – Psychology at Exeter)
  • Hannah Isaac (AAA – English at Exeter)
  • Conrad Lewandowski (A*BB – Biochemistry at Warwick)
  • Georgina Mackrill (A*AC – Animation at UCA, London)
  • Tom Measey (AAB – Astrophysics and Cosmology at Lancaster)
  • Callum Morgan (A*A*A* – Law at UCL)
  • Beth Pelling (A*AB – Geography at Birmingham)
  • Ruby Pelling (A*AB – Geography at Leeds)
  • Katy Sandercock (A*AB – History at York)
  • Dabeoc Stanley (A*AB – History at Lancaster)
  • James Treherne (ABB – Music Production at Scholl of Audio Engineering, London)
  • George Woodburn (AAB – Chemistry at Cardiff)

Article update
Data for Christ the King College added Monday 22nd August.

Image: quietlyurban.com under CC BY 2.0