Tim Griffin, Welcome

tim griffinCongratulations to Tim Griffin! I’m afraid we don’t have a fantastic prize for you, but do welcome you to the forum and hope you’ll join in.

Tim became our 100th registered forum member on the day we also reached 2000 articles. It’s only been going since October, so evidence enough that people of Ventnor are prepared to talk to each other online as well as in the street.

Mind you, the biscuit survey did take up 144 of those with replies to ….

Hello. Anyone got any biscuits?

If a dive into literature doesn’t take your fancy how about voicing your view on what’s going on in Ventnor?

tim griffinRobbie Mew put a posting up back in in May asking for the town’s views on what they’d like to see happen to the Eastern Esplanade. It’s not too late to have your say.

Thanks for Mark for pointing us in the right direction of a photo of Tim manning his rib.