Islandwide Insulation Scheme Launches Today

A scheme to help reduce the carbon footprint of the Isle of Wight by subsidising cavity and loft insulation launches today on the Wight.

As part of the Eco-Island vision, energy company E.ON has joined forces with the Isle of Wight Council to deliver an Islandwide insulation scheme.

Those taking advantage of the scheme could see up to a £420 saving each year on the cost of heating their homes.

Installation company, Mark Group, report that the scheme will result in the creation of many new jobs in the first year of the two year scheme.

Dr Paul Golby, E.ON Chief Executive said: “We’re delighted to be able to help residents play their part in turning the Isle of Wight into an Eco-Island. Installing energy efficiency measures like loft and cavity wall insulation are simple ways for individuals to reduce their own energy usage, and this will help to reduce the Island’s carbon footprint.

“By supporting the Island Insulation Scheme, E.ON can make sure that becoming more energy efficient is easy for everyone.”

Cllr Edward Giles, Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member for the Environment and Transport said: “The Island Insulation Scheme has the potential to be one of the council’s biggest contributions to the Island’s Eco-Island vision. Not only will it reduce energy consumption and associated carbon emissions but it will also provide a boost to the Island’s economy and residents’ wellbeing.”

If you want to find out more check out the new section on the IWC Website, which launches later today (9th)

Image: Grayskullduggery under CC BY-SA 2.0

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