Readers will be aware the rumour that the Coastal Visitor’s Centre in Salisbury Gardens, Ventnor was being considered for disposal by the Isle of Wight Council was later confirmed by head of Property Services, Barry Cooke (and named in the latest strategy document for possible capital disposal).
Ventnor East Ward councillor, Chris Welsford wrote the following ‘letter to the editor’ to VB with more information about the plans for the building – Ed
As the County Councillor for Ventnor East, I am concerned with the future of the Coastal Visitor’s Centre which is one of a number of buildings earmarked for disposal under the Strategic Asset Management Plan.
I was therefore very interested to read comments in the South Wight Chronicle from Cllr Scoccia who represents Ventnor West regarding the future of this building.
Your readers should know that plans to dispose of Salisbury gardens are rather more immediate than is suggested by Cllr Scoccia’s response.
Disposal confirmed by officers
I have been speaking to senior officers at County Hall over the last month or so regarding this matter and I can confirm that Salisbury Gardens is likely to be offered on the market during 2010. Plans are currently being prepared for the relocation of Coastal Management and Rights of Way teams currently based in the building, to Enterprise House in Newport. This, it is hoped, will take place some time before 31st March 2010.
Officers have confirmed that it is hoped that the disposal of Salisbury Gardens will generate a capital receipt for investment into the Council’s on going programme to deliver better services.
Concerns have been raised
I hope that your readers will appreciate that I have raised concerns about the disposal of this property and the relocation of the Coastal Management Team, which has in many ways helped to put Ventnor on the scientific coastal erosion map.
In global terms, under the management of Robin McInnes and now Peter Marsden, the Coastal Visitors Centre Ventnor has become synonymous with the study of coastal management.
Valuable asset to local education
As ward councillor for the area in which this team currently works I would like to thank them for excellent work they have been doing on our behalf and for providing many school children with opportunities to visit the coast and learn about our area.
I am currently speaking with officers to ascertain what the future will be for the education side of their work and whether they will continue to visit Ventnor as part of their programme.
On Friday I will be attending the Standing Committee on Problems Associated with the Coast (SCOPAC) in Havant, as a representative of the Isle of Wight Council and therefore I hope to be able to continue to represent the interests of Ventnor and the Isle of Wight in the this very important area.
Unfortunately, the future for Salisbury Gardens is far from certain but I will make sure that residents are kept up to date with what is planned as matters unfold.
Cllr. Chris Welsford, County Councillor Ventnor East