Report From Ventnor Town Council Meeting: 14th June 2010

Very many thanks to VB reader Richard Downing who reported from the Ventnor Town Council (VTC) for VB last night. We’re sure you’ll agree, it’s pretty comprehensive. Ed

Report From Ventnor Town Council Meeting: 14th June 2010Winter Gardens Volunteers
The meeting opened with Mayor Robinson reading a press release which states the Town Council position regarding the Winter Gardens Volunteers and the role of the Winter Gardens Volunteers Action Group.

The Council will require its volunteers to sign an agreement and report to the Winter Gardens management rather than to a separate organisation.

This issue was immediately taken up in the Public Forum with many speakers saying how well the Action Group had worked. Councillors responded by saying that everyone, including the former volunteers, would be very welcome to join the Council’s volunteers.

Councillors who blogged
Stewart Blackmore raised this issue which gave him some concern. Cllr. Bonney responded to say that he blogged under his own name and in a personal manner which he was quite entitled to do.

Previous meetings and Annual Accounts
Minutes of three previous meetings were agreed, as were new signatories for cheques.

The Annual Accounts were introduced by the Town Clerk and there was considerable complaint that he could not be heard. There were three issues in the audit of accounts where the Council had stated their inability to comply with audit requirements and these were questioned in the final public forum by former Cllr. Scoccia.

Mayor Robinson read out these issues and explained that the Council was not yet able to make a positive response regarding their systems for the previous year 2009-10.

Appointment of Entertainments Manager
Cllr. George described the very thorough recruitment process and the appointment of Simon Wheeler, who had twenty years of experience and brought many contacts in the various professions, that he would be dealing with. A press release would be available on 15th June.

Town Meeting Minutes
Cllr. Stubbings stated that, although a response had been received from the six signatories of the Town Meeting resolutions, they had still failed to identify the councillors who they accuse and this made it impossible for the Council to take the matter any further.

He stressed that the Council took the matters very seriously but could do nothing until some detailed evidence was provided.

He and other Councillors said they had benefited from the criticisms made at the Town Meeting which had led them to make improvements.

During the final Public Forum Rob Chuter and others maintained that the Town Meeting had represented many people’s concerns and requested that their reply to the Council be read, which it then was.

Cllr. Stubbings then repeated that the Council could not proceed further until the accused Councillors were named.

Administrative matters
The Town Clerk outlined proposals for improvements to the administrative facilities for the Winter Gardens and the Town Council.

His report recommended the leasing of a printer/copier scanner, the networking of computers and further investigation of an improved telephone system. Debate included concerns from Cllr. George regarding people without Internet access and Cllr. Welsford asked if proper procurement procedures had been followed. The report was then accepted.

Appointment of Town Council Solicitor
It was agreed that the Council should engage a solicitor and the Town Clerk was asked to investigate and report back.

Town Council Vacancies
Mayor Robinson regretted that there had been no request for an election to the second Ventnor East vacancy and that co-option would be necessary.

Cllr. Bonney said that election was better than co-option and hoped that sufficient interest would be shown in the remaining vacancies. The Council agreed to issue a press release describing the co-option procedures in order to encourage people to apply.

Planning Matters
Three applications and two appeals were considered and debated.

  • Westfield Holiday Park: considered to be over-development and rejected.
  • Co-Op, Pier Street: proposed.
  • Carspec Garage: proposed.
  • La Veness: appeals paperwork had still not been received but there would now be a public enquiry on 4th August – details from County Planning Dept.
  • Trumartin, Wolverton Road: appeal supported.

Speed limits
Cllr. George gave details of his proposal for a 20 mph limit around the centre of Ventnor Town.

Although there was general support among Councillors it was acknowledged to be a difficult process especially as some of the roads involved were classified as “through roads” and therefore the speed limit could not be reduced.

Alternatives such as raised crossings were suggested. It was agreed to forcefully pursue the 20 mph limit with the County Council Highways Dept.

Footpath closures
It was agreed to request urgent action from the County Council on two long-term path closures and, during the final public forum, several other closures were mentioned by the public and it was agreed to include them.

Military Road
Cllr. Bonney reported on a very useful meeting of the Island Assoc. of Town Councils at which an engineer had proposed a much cheaper drainage solution which would be closely monitored to see if it was successful.

That meeting had made several proposals to the County Council and a meeting with them was planned for 24th June.

County Councillors’ Reports
Cllr. Scoccia stated that she had just returned from holiday and could not present a report.

Cllr. Welsford was unable to report on highways issues as he had not yet received a response, but he did report on his meeting with the Building Enforcement Officer who considered that Tesco could be required to paint their Ventnor building and remove the scaffolding.

Other issues relating to demolition and the development of the site still required Tesco to make a second planning application. This led to the expression of much concern regarding the position that Tesco was taking and it was agreed that the Town Clerk should express the Council’s concerns to Tesco.

Public forum
Issues raised, and not mentioned above, included: the wearing of the Mayoral chain; a budget allocation for a Council solicitor; the need for public questions before planning matters were discussed; the starting date for the Entertainments Manager.

This was a long meeting but a lot of issues were progressed. The most contentious issues were the volunteers and the Town Meeting resolutions but the meeting included some smiles and laughter so maybe we have moved on from the conflicts and can look forward to some co-operation. The Mayor did some effective work with the gavel.

Image: @boetter under CC BY 2.0

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