Heartfelt Dedication To Closing Schools Across The Island

The final part of the school reorganisation plan takes place today as Middle Schools (and some Primaries) across the Isle of Wight close their doors for the last time.

Pupils from Bishop LovettIt is a very sad day for the many dedicated teachers and staff who have worked in these schools for years, as well as those who have attended.

As anyone who was involved in the schools reorganisation consultation will concur, the current administration at County Hall assured us all that the move from three tier to two tier would drive up standards in schools across the Island.

We’re sure that everyone on the Island looks forward to seeing the positive changes the council have promised will take place over the coming years. If their plans to improve standards are realised, the youth of today have a great future to look forward to.

Dedications to all closing schools
Two schools who recently took part in music projects to mark the end of an era were Nodehill and Bishop Lovett Middle School.

We felt it would be very fitting to run the music videos on VB today and were pleased when a teacher from one of the schools asked us to do the same and dedicate the video to ‘All the closing schools’.

The videos was made with thanks to Eccleston George, Utility Films and Steve from Widget Productions. Funded by a grant from the National Lottery through the big Lottery Fund.