Happy Birthday To All Leap Year Babies

Imagine growing up and only being able to celebrate the day you were born every four years.

29th February on a clockKnown as ‘leapers’ some of these folk say they feel cheated for three years out of four, so have joined the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies.

The Society has over 10,000 members cross the world and gathers stories from leapers, such as the Riley Harris quadruplets from New Brunswick in Canada, possibly the only leapers of their kind in the world.

Global holiday?
Or how about someone calling themselves Lukino, who wants to see leap year made into a national holiday in France.

Whatever you motivation, if it’s your birthday today, we hope you have a fantastic day.

Wedding proposals?
Of course, 29th February is also traditionally known as the day when women can propose to their beaus. Best of luck if you’re planning one or if you hear of any today, let us know.

Image: kevin wen under CC BY 2.0