Free Art Friday: Follow The Clues To Free Art

As we mentioned earlier in the week, today sees the launch of Free Art Fridays on the Isle of Wight.

Free Art Fridays First FourOrganised by Tony Joyce, pieces of artwork donated by artists will be hidden around the Island.

Tony is keen for as many Island artists to get involved as possible. At the moment, most of those donating items are from further afield.

In order to help you find the works, Tony has put together a set of clues. If you happen to find one, do let us know.

Read on to see the clues.Clue One
The youth of East Cowes need a sense of place,
Uncluttered by creed, religion or race,
The funding is sparse,
So IOW council can kiss my ……..

Clue Two
A bridge dividing two separate lands,
A new one is coming or so is the plan,
Without it we would not survive,
So thanks to the people who keep it alive.

Clue Three
If you venture to the gates of this Queen,
You may see a building that’s quite obscene,
Grandeur, bling its got it all,
To pay to see your heritage you must be a fool.

Clue Four
Pretentious pictures of shiny boats,
Help this shop stay afloat,
Middle England wouldn’t be too far away,
Frequented by people quite dull and grey.

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