Visioneca short film competition for young people

This autumn a new experimental film festival comes to the Isle of Wight. Paul Windridge tells us about an exciting short film comp being run as part of the Visioneca festival. Ed

Visioneca:Visioneca will feature unconventional ‘film’ makers: new media artists, researchers, VeeJays, motion-graphics artists, music-promo directors and performance artists at Fort Redoubt, above Freshwater Bay.

We’re pleased to announce our short film competition, ‘The Island’.

It is open to all young people on the Isle of Wight and run in conjunction with Island Schools, Colleges and Academies.

Entries are broken down into three age groups; under 14; 14 to 16 and 16-18 year olds.

‘The Island’
Each film must be 60 seconds or less (including titles and credits) and be on the subject of ‘The Island’.

That could mean the Isle of Wight, any other island, you may want to create an island.

You may prefer to interpret the subject matter as yourself being the island, or an aspect of your life on the Island.

Let your imaginations go
The film can be created using any means you want – live footage, animation, stop-motion, abstraction, computer generation – anything.

We don’t want there to be any restrictions because we want to leave the subject matter of your films as open as possible to allow for maximum freedom of expression.

In the creation of an experimental film the only rules are those you might impose on yourself. Let your imaginations go!

Don’t miss the deadline
Films must be completed and submitted no later than Friday 21st September and the first three in each category will be featured in the Visioneca Festival on Saturday 27th October.

Under 14’s in the first session, 14-16 in the second session and 16-18’s in the third session. Films will be judged on their creativity.

Films should be submitted either as Quicktime or mpeg 4 files and preferably through participating schools and colleges. If this is not possible please contact Paul at [email protected]

It is also hoped that there will be an evening at one of the participating colleges where we will show every single entry, but more on this at a later date.

For more detail of the festival see Events On The Wight.

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