Lifeboat volunteers to receive Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals

Well done to all the volunteers for their service to the Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat. Ed

Members of the Sandown & Shanklin Independent Lifeboat will be presented with The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medals on Saturday the 20th of October (starting at 14.15).

They will be presented by the Lord-Lieutenant and Mrs White, also in attendance will be the Mayor of Sandown, Shanklin, Brading and chairman of Lake Town Council.

Those receiving the Queen’s Jubilee Medal have worked voluntarily and are key members for this front line emergency service. They’ve helped to save many lives at sea and are very proud to be recognised for the work they do.

Below is the list of people who are receiving there medals.

Name And Position Length of Service
At 6 Feb 2012
Mark Birch
Senior Coxswain & Operations Manager
20 y 3 m
Richard Chantler
2nd Coxswain
6y 8m
David Williams
5y 3m
Stephen Woodhams
13y 9m
Daren Sands
15 y 10 m
Barry Chantler
6y 7m
Ian Hunt
Launcher & Secretary
14y 9m
Ron Teasdale
Launcher and Chairman
7y 3m
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