Cowes Enterprise College

Alan Wells exits Cowes Enterprise College with immediate effect

Chair of Cowes Pathfinder Trust Rachael Fidler has today announced that Alan Wells is to stand down as Chair of the Governing Body at Cowes Enterprise College with immediate effect.

The school went into Special Measures in January after a damning Ofsted report declared the school ‘Inadequate’ in all areas.

In her weekly newsletter to pupils and parents, Ms Fidler said,

“I must also take this opportunity to inform you of a key change within the Governing Body. Alan Wells has resigned as Chair and from the Governing Body. We are sorry to see Alan leave us but thank him for all his previous support of the College.

“Following decision of the full Governing Body, I have been asked to take over the role of Chair until our September 2013 meeting, when there is the annual process of election of the Chair. The Governing Body will also shortly elect a new Vice Chair and once this Governor is known we will inform you.”

Alan Wells added,

“It is with some regret that I have to tell you that I have decided to step down from the Governing Body of the College. This is not a decision that I have made lightly, since the success of Cowes Enterprise College, in particular its students, is something that is close to my heart, and has been for many years. I feel that now is the right time to move on and allow others to take on the governance role, especially as I honestly believe that we are beginning to see the early signs of a successful future for the College.

“We have been through probably the hardest time in the history of this school as it has transferred to an 11-18 college, has faced the disappointment of a long delay in the move into the new building, and has then been placed into special measures following last year’s Ofsted Inspection, and lost our Principal.

“But I am now confident that we are turning a corner. The appointment of Christine Hardman as Interim Executive Principal is making a really positive impact on the College, on the students, parents and staff, building confidence for the future. Progress on the new build has accelerated in the past few months and it hopefully won’t be too long before the College can transfer across.

“With some big changes in my personal circumstances in the last 18 months and with other commitments that I have here on the Island to which I need to give more time and effort, I believe that it is a good time to relinquish the reins. I wish the college, its staff and students all the success that they deserve in the exciting future they face and to you as parents, thank you for sticking with us through the difficult times.”

Image: © Google Streeview