Cowes Enterprise College

Rebecca Pearce welcomed as new Principal

This in from the new Principal of Cowes Enterprise College, Rebecca Pearce, in her own words. Ed

As the new principal of Cowes Enterprise College, I am looking forward to working with staff, students and parents to improve the College which has so much potential.

I am excited to be working with the Ormiston Academies Trust which is currently in partnership with 29 academies across the country to ensure that every child reaches their full potential.

Students’ achievement is improving
According to the latest Ofsted monitoring report, our students’ achievement is improving already and they are making good progress in a higher percentage of lessons.

The quality of teaching has improved significantly over the last year and relationships are good between staff and students, some of whom have already been involved in working with staff to improve provision by sharing their aspirations and expectations for the future of the college.

My priorities
One of my priorities is to tackle the current variations in achievement and the inconsistency in the quality of some of the teaching and learning through raising the aspirations and expectations of staff, students and parents.

I am looking forward also, to working with local primary and secondary schools to ensure the educational provision on the island is second to none, as well as working with the local community in a variety of ways to ensure that the college is at its heart.

Aims to be outstanding
In short, Cowes Enterprise College aims to be outstanding through working relentlessly on improving the quality of teaching and learning, middle and strategic leadership and ensuring every learner’s needs are catered for through careful analysis and monitoring of data.

The College aims to ensure that it is we who make an enormous difference to the lives of the young people in our care, and aspire to be a force in learning and teaching.

For more information regarding Cowes Enterprise College please contact