Best Isle of Wight Chips poll: #NationalChipWeek 2014

Delicious chips by eepaul

If you get involved you can help find the ‘Best Isle of Wight Chips’.

There’s no getting away from it, despite the temptation of much of the food from abroad that is now freely available on British shores, Fish and Chips hold a special place (plaice?) in the hearts of the English.

Nominations came via Twitter and Facebook
So when OnTheWight heard on Monday that it was National Chip Week, we thought we’d do something special for it.

We put out a Tweet and Facebook update, asking readers for their favourite purveyor of chips on the Island.

It raised a lot of replies (as well as a few people yearning for them, including us!).

Your chance to vote!
We’ve taken all of those responses and created a Poll. Here’s where the fun starts. Spread the news far and wide about the poll to help get your favourite Chippie the top one on the Island.

The Poll runs until one second before midnight on Sunday evening (23.Feb.14). Following that, we’ll declare the winner next week.

See the results!
Poll closed – See the results of Isle of Wight Best Chips Awards 2014

Image: eepaul under a CC BY 2.0 license