Monkton Mead Ryde - Right now - Flooded by MintyMat 8 Jan 2015

Live updates: IW flood disruption, roads affected and flood warnings

The travel chaos continues with many roads being closed following heavy rain on the Isle of Wight.

The Environment Agency has issued multiple Flood Alerts and we understand from Linda Bassett that fire crews are pumping out properties in Whitwell and Binstead.

Update 13:03 Flood alert

A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the River Medina.

Flooding is possible for the River Medina from Blackwater to Newport. Low lying land and roads will be affected first.

Be prepared.

30mm of rain has fallen in the last 12 hours and levels in the River Medina are high and are continuing to rise. The rate of rise has slowed down in the last hour and as no further rain is expected until the early hours of tomorrow morning, water levels should soon begin to fall. Some out of bank flooding is expected along the Medina especially in the headwaters around Blackwater.

This Flood Alert will be updated on Friday 9th January at 10:00 hrs.

Other Flood alerts read:

A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Eastern Yar

Flooding is possible for the Eastern Yar and tributaries from Whitwell to Bembridge.

Low lying land and roads will be affected first.

30mm of rain has fallen in the last 6 hours and levels in the Eastern Yar are high and rising. Whilst the heaviest rain has crossed the area, further rainfall is expected until midday. There will be out of bank flooding affecting fields and access tracks especially in the Upper Eastern Yar at Horringford , Alverstone and Golf links road. It is probable that a Flood Warning will be issued for Langbridge to Alverstone later on today.

This Flood Alert will be updated on Friday 9th January 2015 at 1000hrs.


Carisbrooke and Hunnyhill on the Lukely Brook
27mm of rain has fallen in the last 6 hours and levels in the Lukely Brook are high. Grills and debris screens are being cleared in order to keep the river flowing freely. However, an additional 10 mm of rain is forecast over the next 2 hours and flooding from the Lukely Brook is therefore possible until early afternoon when the rainfall clears. Areas most at risk are Old Westminster Lane, Castle Street and low lying property immediately upstream of Towngate Bridge.


A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Monktonmead Brook.

Flooding is possible for the Monktonmead at Ryde.

Low lying land and roads will be affected first.

Almost 30mm of rain has fallen in the last 12 hours and levels in the Monktonmead Brook are high. At St Johns station water levels are still rising although the rate of rise has slowed. There may be some out of bank flow across the railway tracks in this location. The pumping station at Monktonmead is operating correctly and contractors will be clearing the debris screen at Marymead Close. Rainfall is expected to clear shortly however flood risk remains until an hour or so after high tide which is expected at 1330 hours.

This Flood Alert will be updated at 1800 hours on 8th January 2015.


A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Gurnard Luck.

Flooding is possible for the Gurnard Luck, Gurnard.

Low lying land and roads will be affected first.

Almost 30mm of rain has fallen in the last 12 hours and levels in the Gurnard Luck are high and rising. High tide at Cowes is due at 1325hrs. The water in the river will be held up over the high tide period and may flood gardens of low lying property next to the river at Marsh Road. Flood risk should pass after this time.

This Flood Alert will be updated at 18:00 hours on 8th January 2015.

Road closures
Island Roads have tweeted quite a number of road closures and warnings.

We’ve gathered them all together to make it easier to understand which roads have been affected, using the exact words/description of the situation that Island Roads did.

(It’s worth reloading the page to make sure you’ve got the latest version of the table)

Image: @MintyMat

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Michelle S
8, January 2015 4:15 pm

Thanks for the updates they’ve been really useful to have running in the background whilst working.

Not sure how I’m going to get home with the train line out until 7ish – I guess it’s ‘Southern Vectis here I come’

8, January 2015 7:22 pm

please note people of monkton mead area with the planned 900 houses at pennyfeathers things will only get worse. let iow planning know your fears and problems NOW before its to late. once they’re here they’re here FOREVER.

bill lucas
8, January 2015 10:59 pm

A huge problem for IOWC is to get Island Roads to do the work. The whole contract is only£750 million over 25 years.

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