cleaning bucket

£9,000 cleaning bill discount saves Lake Revetment loos (for now)

Less than two weeks ago the Lake parish council voted against funding the revetment loos. They now have an update. Ed

Lake Parish Council is pleased to announce that thanks to the assistance of local businesses, a basis has been agreed to keep the toilets on Lake Revetment open from 1 April 2016, in response to the views of the local community.

At a meeting held on 21st March, the Parish Council agreed to accept a Tenancy at Will from the Isle of Wight Council in respect of the toilet block. It is the intention that the freehold be transferred to the Parish Council at a future date when Isle of Wight Council has sorted out the legal aspects.

£9,000 discount
Top Mops Ltd, a Lake company, has offered to clean and lock/unlock the toilets for 12 months for £500, compared to their original quote of £9,500.

They wish to make this gesture as a service to their local community.

The Parish Council will consult residents on their views as to what should happen in 2017/18 and beyond for all the public toilets in Lake.

Money can be found for 2016/17
Lake Parish Council originally faced a bill in excess of £10,000 to keep the toilets operating, plus the liability for repairs to the building that might have reached £16,000.

Thanks to the above, the cost to the Parish Council in 2016/17 is likely to be less than £2,000, which can be found from within its budget.

The Parish Council is grateful to all those who helped us to reach this satisfactory conclusion.

Image: cogdog under CC BY 2.0