Mugshot of David Dunford with jail corridor in background
Image: nespirit under CC BY 2.0

28-month sentence for burglary spree and vandalism for Ryde man

A man has been jailed for a raft of offences in Ryde including burglary and carrying a knife.

In the early hours of 24th September 2023, 43-year-old David Dunford broke into a fabrication plant in Marlborough Road where he stole gloves and a bike.

Burglary of shops
Later that day, Dunford attended Victoria Arcade after it had closed and burgled three shops within, stealing a cash box and charity box, and a further estimated £4,000 worth of goods including medals, silverware, knives, teddies and figurines.

Vandalised cars
At 9.46pm that night, police were flagged down by a member of the public who reported that vehicles had been spray painted with graffiti in The Strand.

An officer took a description of the suspect and conducted an area search, before finding Dunford nearby who was carrying a bag.

Dunford refused to stop for the officer and pulled away from him, before he was incapacitated and arrested. Dunford’s bag was searched where officers located a large amount of stolen property.

Police located a Stanley knife on Dunford’s person, along with pliers and gloves. In a separate incident on 14th October, Dunford was again found with a knife in public.

He was subsequently charged with four counts of burglary, going equipped for burglary, criminal damage, and two counts of possession of a bladed article in a public place.

Dunford, of Thornton Manor Drive in Ryde, admitted all of the offences in court, and appeared at Newport Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday 9th May this year.

He was jailed for a total of 28 months.

Hayward: I hope the community can be reassured that he is now in prison
Following the sentencing, Police Staff Investigator Keeley Hayward said,

“Dunford’s actions have had a huge impact on the businesses he targeted. During the burglaries, he caused significant damage to the interior of shops, in addition to stealing a large quantity of goods.

“His offending did not stop there, however, as he continued his criminal behaviour into the night, spraying graffiti and actively trying to evade police whilst having a knife in his possession.

“As a result of his behaviour, Dunford will now spend a period of time behind bars, and I hope the community can be reassured that he is now in prison.”

News shared by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, in their own words. Ed