Bay Primary School: ‘A Good School’ Say OFSTED

Congratulations to all involved. This in from Bay primary, in their own words. Ed

Bay Primary Logo:‘A Good School’ and set to get even better”¦.

Pupils, staff, governors and parents at The Bay C of E Primary School have been celebrating the results of their recent Ofsted inspection.

Good overall
Ofsted rated the school as ‘Good’ overall, with some areas of provision noted as ‘outstanding’.

The school, which currently has 425 pupils, was praised by the inspectors for the progress children make and for the quality of teaching and curriculum provided.

Leadership and Management were rated as ‘good’. The overwhelming majority of parents and carers agree that pupils do well due to the hard work and commitment of staff.

Outstanding provisions for disabled pupils
The provision for disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is outstanding. As a result their achievement is excellent helping to close the gap with other pupils.

The inspectors found that ‘behaviour and safety of pupils is good’. Teaching was found to be good overall and sometimes outstanding, but the report notes that marking needs to indicate how well pupils have done and how to improve further.

Proud and delighted
The Head Teacher, Duncan Mills, is justifiably proud of the school’s achievements. He said: “The whole school community should be pleased with the outcome of our inspection. It’s the result of a great deal of hard work by everyone. It is now important that we focus on our priorities and continue to move the school forward.”

Reverend Ian Lovell, Chair of the Governors said: “I am delighted with the Ofsted result. This is indeed an appropriate recognition of a lot of hard work that has been done by the staff and the Governing Body in the last 18 months. I am particularly pleased that Ofsted has deemed that provision for vulnerable pupils was judged to be outstanding. We will now continue to focus on maintaining the excellent progress that the school has recently made.”

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