Offshore wind park delays next public consultation

Latest update on the Navitus Bay Wind Park sees a delay in the public consultation. Ed

Navitus Bay Development Limited (Navitus Bay), the joint venture behind the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park, has today announced that it has decided to reschedule the third round of public consultation on the project until February 2013.

The decision reflects the high level of attendance from the local community at Navitus Bay’s second round of consultation earlier this year, many of whom responded with ideas and suggestions that were of great interest to the development team.

Allocating additional time and resources
To ensure that the community’s feedback is given the due consideration it deserves, Navitus Bay has decided to allocate additional time and resources to fully explore the comments we have received and how they can be accommodated into the final proposals, taking into account the complex technical and environmental constraints of the project.

This will subsequently enable Navitus Bay to provide a more comprehensive and informed response when we return to the community at the next stage of consultation.

Mike Unsworth, Project Director of Navitus Bay, said: “It has always been our intention that community consultation has a real bearing on our proposals and this small delay demonstrates this commitment. By rescheduling the next stage of consultation, we will be able to dedicate the additional time and resources necessary to fully consider the feedback we have received and identify how we can respond positively given the engineering and environmental constraints of this complex project.

“The extra time will also enable us to produce additional new photo montages showing how the wind park could look from various points along the coast, a 3D fly-through visualisation of the site and onshore cable route, as well as extra surveys of businesses along the coast.

“We will continue to meet and engage constructively with consultees and stakeholder groups over the coming months, and we look forward to providing a comprehensive and detailed overview of how the proposals have evolved in response to public feedback in the new year.”

Image: phault under CC BY 2.0

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