Police and Crime Panel endorse draft plan


If you follow our Twitter stream you would have seen updates from last week’s Police and Crime Panel which took place at County Hall. This in from Suzie Southgate from Hampshire’s Corporate Communications. Ed

Members of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel (PCP) have given their backing to draft proposals (embedded below for your convenience) that set out policing and crime reduction plans for communities across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in the year ahead.

At their meeting on 1 March 2013, Panel Members endorsed in principle the draft Police and Crime Plan which was prepared and submitted by the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Simon Hayes.

The Plan has at its core the following priorities:

  • Improving frontline policing to deter criminals and keep communities safe
  • Placing victims and witnesses at the heart of policing and a wider criminal justice system
  • Working together to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your community
  • Reducing re-offending

Final publication on 21 March
As part of the role of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), the Panel is required to review the Plan and provide feedback to the PCC, ahead of his final publication of the Plan on 21 March.

At their latest meeting, PCP Members supported the aspirations of the Plan, but called for more detail to be provided through the development of an action plan specific to the Plan’s targets, in order to support the Panel’s ongoing scrutiny, and enable clearer internal monitoring and evaluation.

Residents also consulted
In addition to feedback from PCP Members, residents have also been consulted on the proposals, which include raising the policing element of the council tax in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight for 2013/14. The Commissioner’s proposed rise of 3.4%, equivalent to 10p a week for a Band D household, was approved by the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel on 25 January.

Stewart: “We will continue to challenge and scrutinise the PCC”
Commenting, Chairman of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel, Councillor David Stewart, said: “The Police and Crime Plan is an important document that will set out the criteria by which the Panel will be holding the Commissioner to account in the coming year, and this draft is a strong basis from which we will continue to challenge and scrutinise the PCC and his work.

“Among Mr Hayes’ policing priorities and budget plans is a clear commitment to community safety and protecting victims of crime, and following thorough questioning from Panel Members, we are satisfied that these have been developed based on important input from local communities and guidance from partner organisations. While both the Panel and PCC acknowledge it is an ambitious plan, the Chief Constable is confident it will enable him to maintain and deliver the level of policing that is required and expected by the people of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

“Our endorsement in principle of an effective draft Police and Crime Plan marks the completion of the Panel’s priorities which have also involved important scrutiny of the policing precept for 2013/14 and approval and confirmation of a new Chief Constable. In this way, are able to represent effectively the desires and expectations of residents in both Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who can be reassured as to the PCC’s future response to policing and crime in our two counties.”

Hayes: “I intend to keep the promise I made”
Simon Hayes, said: “The Police and Crime Plan is my opportunity to show how I intend to keep the promise I made to our communities when I took office – ensuring that the police and other partners are able to cut crime and protect the public. I am very pleased to have received support from the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel, and their valuable feedback will be taken into consideration when finalising the Plan ahead of its launch later this month.”

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