
Find out how Timebank can help you and well as others

Thanks to Evelyn for this informative article on how Timebank, which was launched at Ventnor Library in September, works and how you can get involved. Ed

What is Timebank?

That’s the question that was being asked two or three months ago, now the question has been changed to, “How do I join Timebank?”

After, what seemed a slow start, the word has got around. Exchanges of skills, (known in Timebank parlance as ‘transactions’), are beginning to escalate. Residents are beginning to see the value of getting those small jobs done voluntarily and they are also keen to share their own abilities.

What’s been offered
The kind of offers recently added to the books are:

A patchwork class for members, using some beautiful quality fabric.

A walking companion who will provide training for someone to be an IW Walking Festival Back Marker. So if you are a really keen walker this is your chance.

Help needed
On the ‘needed’ list there are Bridge players requested, help at Spring Hill Gardens and someone who would do a tip run. There is also a real need for someone to help in the library with CV skills for job seekers.

Typical of transactions that have happened recently include three people who volunteered to help out at the ‘Music for Fun’ Festival at St Catherine’s Church. A very enjoyable and social thing to do and they earned 12 credits between them that they can use in anyway they like.

Garden angel
And I must not forget Mary who had neglected her garden because, as she said, “it is weirdly formed.” Along came a Timebank member and re-formed it for her. Now she is able to manage it herself and, in her own words, “We were lucky in that it was a beautiful sunny and warm (relatively speaking) day and it was great for me to be outside in my garden again, thoroughly enjoying it and fired up to tidy and make it useable again.

“I’ve since bought some soft fruit plants for the shady side, to make that productive again – hopefully that will now change with more time and effort on my part. So yes – the transaction was Very good for me.”

Get involved
Timebank is now expanding to give local charities Associate Membership and the IW College, as members, are helping with a Timebank website that helps students to develop their skills.

I do hope this gives you all a real feel for how Timebank is working in and around Ventnor.

If you are interested then email Julia – [email protected]

Image: USDAGov under CC BY 2.0

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