Medina College: Ofsted report says improvement required

Further to the recent Ofsted inspection of Medina College, the following statement has been issued by the College today. In their own words, Ed

Following an OFSTED Inspection on 12-13 March 2013 Medina College has been awarded a Grade 3 overall with Grade 2 leadership and management.

Medina College logoWhat this means for Medina is that OFSTED view the school as ‘not yet a good school’ but recognise that under the current leadership it is well on the way to becoming one.

Praise for parent and governing body
The inspectors offer praise for the supportive parent and governing body at Medina, and acknowledge the headteacher and his team are, ‘passionately committed to improving students’ achievement, and have put in place systems which are already beginning to bring about substantial improvements following issues which confronted the school when it opened.’

Majority of lessons judged to be ‘good’
The inspectors observed a large number of lessons from across the curriculum and the majority of these lessons were judged to be ‘good’.

‘Outstanding’ teaching was observed in English, maths, science, the humanities and the College’s specialisms of visual and performing arts.

Mathematics a strength
They report that ‘most teachers establish good working relationships with their students and establish a positive environment for learning.’ However, they identify the need for some teachers to plan lessons more consistently.

Mathematics is identified as a particular strength, as is the ‘wide range of additional opportunities and enrichment events.’

Improvement needed in student behaviour
The report lists student behaviour and attendance as areas requiring improvement but states that ‘students and members of staff say that students’ behaviour in class and around the school has improved a great deal since the appointment of the current headteacher and the number of exclusions has fallen considerably over the last year, and attendance, although still below average has risen.’ Staffing and systems are in place to ensure the College maintains the current rate of rapid improvement.

Advice contained in the report, which Medina will be acting on, is to reinforce the message to students and their parents that good attendance leads to good achievement.

Attainment rising
Student attainment at GCSE was below national average last year but on scrutiny of the attainment of the current student cohort OFSTED inspectors conclude, ‘standards being reached by current students throughout the school, including those in Year 11, indicates that they are rising rapidly because leaders have improved the quality of teaching.’

They go on to say, ‘The school is succeeding in rapidly closing gaps in attainment, including between boys and girls, and also between students who qualify for pupil premium support and other students in this and other schools.’

Sixth form praised
The joint Carisbrooke/Medina sixth form was praised for the behaviour of its students and the range of subjects it offers.

The inspectors feel the quality of teaching is in line with the quality of teaching at the home school and the ‘federation is enabling sixth form students to choose from a wider range of courses than was previously the case’ and that ‘leaders manage staff’s performance well.’

Thomas: “Medina College is on the cusp of becoming a very good school”
Headteacher, Mr Nathan Thomas said, “I think this OFSTED report reflects accurately what I believe to be the case, which is that Medina College is on the cusp of becoming a very good school and has the staff and students to move to ‘outstanding’. We have overcome a number of difficult challenges over the past two years but I am supported by an incredibly talented and extremely hard working staff, with a shared vision for the students to fulfil their potential across a wide range of subjects. We recognise the battle is not yet won but the plans are in place; we have already had a number of victories, and I’m confident the result we all want for Medina will be achieved.”

Further visits from Ofsted
Schools awarded a Grade 3 are subject to a further inspection within 24 months and Medina is confident the promise identified in this inspection will be realised by the time OFSTED return.

Terence Hart, Chair of Governors added, “OFSTED has recognised that all elements of leadership are good within the school and the Governing Body is confident that Nathan Thomas and his staff will build on the existing systems and processes to achieve good and outstanding outcomes across all elements of the OFSTED framework’.

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