Healthwatch meeting

Healthwatch Isle of Wight reveals new workplan priorities

Thanks to Jenny for this update from Healthwatch Isle of Wight. Ed

Healthwatch Isle of Wight recently held its first priority setting event on 11th July, attended by over 40 people including members of the public and local organisations.

They helped us to identify the following five key local issues to look at in our first workplan:

Inpatient care at St Mary’s Hospital – chosen because there has been so much public and patient feedback about this issue, especially regarding the dignity and care of older patients. This is backed up by the NHS Trust Quality Account priority for this year to reduce pressure ulcers which can in many cases be linked to poor care.

Listening to and safeguarding children – chosen because of the backdrop of failing children’s services (both schools and the local authority) on the IW and the high level of serious case reviews relating to children (triggered by the deaths or serious abuse of children).

Maternity and post natal services – chosen because of a recent set of strong feedback about inpatient care and postnatal support (including breastfeeding) supported by JSNA statistics.

Communications between those who give and receive health and care services – chosen because of strong feedback from the priority setting session that a number of communication needs are not well managed in health and care services (including hearing impairment, dementia, learning disabilities).

Getting an appointment with your GP – chosen because we have had consistent feedback over the last 12 months that across the island people are unhappy with the way their GP appointments systems work.

Take part in survey
Now we need your help to decide which order we should put them in.

Complete our short survey or call 01983 608608 before Friday 9th August 2013.

Healthwatch Isle of Wight is also already looking at Advocacy for adults, oral hygiene for children, the use of purple DNR forms and we are monitoring the health impacts of welfare benefit changes.

If you are interested in any of the issues above and would like to get involved in any aspect of the Healthwatch workplan, please let us know, via the phone or email [email protected]

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