Mark Pagel

Find out more about the ‘Evolution of Language’ at Cafe Scientifique

*** Last-minute cancellation by Prof. Mark Pagel ***

In his place we’re going to try Flash Talks – Everyone is welcome to come along and give a 3-5 minutes talk (no longer) on a subject that they know well and think others might be interested in.

They’re great fun a you hear lots of stimulating ideas within a very short period. Food for the mind.

The Regency Suite is above the Conservative Club in Shanklin in Palmerston Road just off the High Street.

The nearest car parks are in Landguard Road and Orchardleigh Road, both only two or three minutes walk to the Conservative Club. Parking is free after 6pm.

As we have to pay a rent for the facilities, we have to ask for a donation of at least £3 on the door to make sure we cover all our expenses. i.e. the rent, cost of speakers’ travel expenses and a meal, plus overnight accommodation if needed.

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