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Ofsted revisit Centre for excluded students

Following an Ofsted inspection earlier this month at Clatterford Tuition Centre, the outcome has today been published.

The Centre was placed in Special Measures in May 2014 and the latest was the second Section 8 inspection.

The Clatterford Tuition Centre is a pupil referral unit for students aged 11–16 who are unable to attend mainstream secondary schools for various reasons. Students are referred to Clatterford either because they have been permanently excluded from a mainstream school or because it is believed that they would benefit from a period of at least six weeks in the centre.

In a letter to the head, Tom Pegler, the inspector said,

Having considered all the evidence I am of the opinion that at this time:

The school is making reasonable progress towards the removal of special measures.

The school may not appoint newly qualified teachers before the next monitoring

Full details can be found in the report below, click on the full screen icon to see larger verison.

Image: aidan_jones under CC BY 2.0

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